Transforming neglected natural areas, one step at a time.

Recent volunteering: 

INaturalist observations on Albany Bulb shoreline

Above: F5C interns and volunteers recorded wondrous seaweeds  at a deep minus tide at Albany Bulb, for Snapshot Cal Coast.

Below: Berkeley jewelry designers Nina Designs joined interns and Weed Warriors  curbing smothering bindweed on Codornices Creek.

Nina Designs & intern on Codornices Creek

Weed warriors dig out invasive Carex pendula

Above: Weed Warriors dug out a giant, invasive hanging sedge on lower Codornices Creek.

Below: Our June work party helped keep invasive French broom from returning to the El Cerrito Hillside Natural Area. 

Removing broom in the Hillside Natural Area

Helping Nature in the East Bay – Hands On

All-volunteer Friends of Five Creeks has worked hands-on for 27 years for clean water, healthy watersheds, and natural areas that welcome both wildlife and people. We work from Berkeley to Richmond on the urbanized east side of San Francisco Bay.

Fight flammable French broomin the El Cerrito Hillside Natural Area Sat., July 20 and Aug. 17

We need your help to keep French broom from making a comeback in El Cerrito's stunning Hillside Natural Area! This year's late rains and cool spring brought an unexpected flush of seedlings. We need to get them out before they shed another crop of seeds!

Volunteers pulling out small broom seedlings in meadowAt 10 AM Sat., July 20, meet at the entrance between 1520 and 1524 Douglas Drive (a short, partly one-way loop south of Potrero) for an easy, almost level stroll to work in oak groves and meadows with great views. Our August location  depends how much we get done before then!,

We supply tools, gloves, light snacks, and good company. Bring water and sun protection. Wear long pants, long sleeves, and closed-toed shoes with good traction. Avoid fuzzy clothing that catches seeds. Ages 10 and up welcome. Info at Groups of more than five please RSVP.

Weed warriors and other opportunities continue:

Orange crowned warbler near Cerrito CreekJoin our informal, friendly group maintaining varied natural areas: Our "Weekday Weed Warriors" gather Tuesday mornings 10 AM - noon. Email for more information or to get weekly email notification of locations.

F5C would love to find a creative, tech-savvy volunteers to help in several ways. Email if you are interested.

F5C recent and current-interest handouts, slide shows, and reports

F5C letters to agencies

  • F5C is alarmed that a two-year process to write a new plan for Berkeley storm-drain system, much needed given 100-year-old infrastructure and coming climate change, is being written with no public information or opportunity for input, and based on narrow and outdated information on the likely effects of sea-level rise and larger storms. Our June 17 letter is here. Our July 2023 letter supporting the contract to carry out this plan, including the need to deal with a changing climate, is here.
  • El Cerrito has a grant to write a plan for fire safety and conservation in the Hillside Natural Area, 100 acres surrounded by city, rich in nature but highly flammable. Its existing plan is 30 years old.   Friends of Five Creeks' January input on what this plan should include is here. A short slide show is here. An earlier handout is here.
  • Need for toileting and RV sewage pumpout for unhoused in Berkeley: Read F5C's June 2023 letter on the need for portable toilets and sewage pumpout for the unhoused, for human dignity, public health, and pollution prevention.
  • Considering likely effects of climate change in Berkeley's plans for development in its Marina area: Read F5C's May 2023 letter on the draft Waterfront Specific Plan.
  • Protecting Codornices Creek as part of re-paving the Hopkins-Gilman corridor in Berkeley: Read F5C's February 2023 letters on the importance of including green amenities, pollution reduction, and protection for Codornices Creek in a "complete streets" project for Hopkins Avenue, which follows the creek a half block away.